Take a Closer Look...

The ShurFit® ACIF 2C combines a high strength PEEK core with a unique, dual layer of coatings applied directly to the endplate surfaces.  A biocompatible plasma-sprayed CP Titanium coating, with an outer layer of osteoconductive Hydroxyapatite, provides an optimal environment for osseointegration.  The dual coating promotes rapid bone formation, which offers implant stability, less potential for implant migration and the formation of a stable fusion mass.

Cage features:

  • Ti Plasma Coated Surface provides enhanced stability, improved imaging properties and increased migration resistance
  • Hydroxyapatite (HA) Coating facilitates the formation of bone structure and may aid in more stable fixation
  • Increased expulsion resistance compared to uncoated PEEK

ShurFIT ACIF details

For additional information, please contact:
Phone: 877-780-4370 Fax: 601-420-5501